By Murdoch Books
A division of Murdoch Magazines Pty Ltd
213 Miller Street, North Sydney NSW 2060
paperback,ISBN 0-86411 5105.1. Vegetarian Cookery.641.5636
CND $ 29.95, 304 pp, Highly Recommended
There are many cookbooks on the market, but this one is unique in every aspect
as it is written by a team of experts in food who are professionals in the field of vegetarianism. 'Vegetarian food has come
a long way since the days when it was regarded as the province of faddists,' the Editors say. 'Now, it is fresh , modern and
young an exciting cuisine nearly everybody is attracted to try it and appreciate it.'
Packed with superb vegetarian recipes, from snacks to substantial meals, from
desserts to drinks, this book is the tribute to world-wide flavors and fresh produce.
'Our eating habits have evolved,' the editors write, '...our discovery of
the infinite range of non- meat dishes from other lands, and the seemingly daily increase in the variety of vegetables ,grains,
nuts and pulses now available, have combined to make vegetarian cooking exciting and innovative and, simultaneously, extended
our appreciation of good food.'
The book is divided into various sections. It starts with facts about a Good
Vegetarian Diet and goes on to the Healthy Food Pyramid which tells the readers what to eat and how much of each kind.
'EAT MOST: Grains, foods made from grains ,and fruit and vegetables.
EAT LEAST: Sugar, honey, butter, cream, margarine...' the authors write. Then come the Carbohydrates, Fibre and Protein parts,
all filled with useful info and advice ,as well as the food sources of the above.
'Finding Fibre: Rolled oats, hazelnuts, sesame seeds, sultanas... .' There
is also info on Vegans Diet, a Vitamins and Minerals section , Fats and Rich-in-Nutrients foods and in the end are the Flavors
and a brief Guide on how to use the book.
' A WORLD OF FLAVORS : One of the great joys of vegetarian eating lies in
its versatility. There are many exotic detours available through the worlds cuisines... ' the experts say. Next ,there is
a list of herbs that match certain foods, a quite essential piece of info everybody needs to know in order to enhance their
dishes: 'Mint with potatoes, cloves with oranges, garlic with just about anything savory...'.
Next come the recipes, which are displayed in a highly attractive way that
makes the readers want to try them! Soups and starters, snacks and party food, pies and pizzas (such as Silverbeet pie and
Harvest pie which look extremely appetising ) ,grain and pulses are only a few of the categories mentioned in the book.
At the end of this section there are the Drinks; delicious, easy-to-prepare
drinks for every taste. Peach Dream, Banana Egg Flip, Energy Shake are only few of the lot. All worth trying ! There is an
index at the back of the book for easy reference. The book is fully illustrated in colored photographs .
Packed with scrumptious vegetarian recipes, THE ESSENTIAL VEGETARIAN
COOKBOOK contains all the info the readers need to make the most of these mouthwatering foods. It caters for everybody not
only for vegetarians- who would like to try something different, exotic, tasty, but most of all healthy.
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Broader than Beans by Lesley Waters
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Reviewed by Liana Metal , 2002